Caritas Care

COVID 19 Update – We’re here for you…

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

Call: 01772 732313

COVID 19 Update – We’re here for you…

As enter another National Lockdown, we want to let you know that we’re still here for you.

Caritas Care are continually revising our service delivery in line with Government guidelines so we can take the appropriate measures to ensure our staff and the public are safe during these particularly challenging circumstances.

In response to this new lockdown phase, all of our offices will close again until further notice.  Staff who who have been working from home will continue to provide and deliver their services remotely and our reception at our main office in Preston will remain open for phone calls on 01772 732313.

Our Learning Disability day projects running from our main building, Marian House and Bannister House will remain open during the office closures to allow us to continue to support our families.  Our buildings have been assessed and adapted to ensure they are COVID-19 safe and all staff have been provided with full PPE to ensure everyone who visits us are protected.  Our main priority is that you are safe.

Our Adoption and Fostering teams will continue to work as normal to answer your questions and support you through the adoption and fostering processes over the forthcoming months. We understand that we are all living in uncertain times and have a challenging winter ahead. Throughout the pandemic we have adapted well using the latest technology to help us continue to provide outstanding support and advice to everyone we work with.

So, if you have been thinking about adoption or fostering, then please contact us, we are open and it’s business as usual for us.

Call: 0800 652 6955
Click here (Adoption)
Click here (Fostering)
Send us a message from our Facebook page click here 

We will also continue to deliver online Adoption information events every fortnight on Tuesdays at 6.30pm.  To book onto one of these events click HERE, contact us via email or call 0800 652 6955.

We wish you and your loved ones well during these unprecedented times.

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