Caritas Care

‘An Audience with an Adopter of Siblings’

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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‘An Audience with an Adopter of Siblings’

You are invited to an audience with an adopter of siblings. 

Samantha and her husband adopted 4 siblings and they have never looked back!  Samantha wants to share her experiences with you about adopting siblings in this one off event.  She will be available to answer your questions about her experience before, during and after the adoption process and the support she received both pre and post placement of her 4 children.

There are currently in excess of 2,500 children waiting for adoption. 57% of these children are part of a sibling group, however only one third of people going through the adoption process say they will consider a sibling group of 2 and just 1% will consider 3 or more.

While the idea of taking on multiple children can initially seem overwhelming to potential adopters, keeping these little units together as much as possible is heartbreakingly crucial. There are many benefits for adopters in parenting sibling groups- staying together means that they have an unbroken bond, which can increase resilience to face future challenges; staying together means that they have a shared history and can support each other to come to terms with their situation. Siblings staying together is twice the fun for adoptive parent!

If you feel you can consider giving a home and family to a sibling group please come along to this event to hear first-hand what it’s like to be an adopter of siblings.

Click HERE to book your place or you can give us a call on 0800 652 6955.

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