Caritas Care

Ben gets his life back on track after Prison

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Ben gets his life back on track after Prison

Ben was referred to the Assisted Community Engagement (ACE) service when he arrived at the Probation approved premises following his release from Prison.

Ben was a first time offender with a long employment history of running bars, restaurants and hotels.  Over time, he developed an alcohol dependency which ultimately led to his offence and he was sent to prison.

Ben had to start again.  

He wasn’t allowed back to the area of the offence, which was where his family lived.  We looked for accommodation close enough for his family to visit and located where he could have access to recovery services. Alcohol was a big trigger, so this was a vital part of his recovery.

ACE contacted a landlord and secured Ben the perfect flat; coordinating it took some time and making sure he had basic essentials, bed, fridge, etc.  But we did it and Ben moved into his flat.

Ben was was delighted and felt “a sense of normality was coming back to his life.” 

ACE set up Ben with some voluntary work at a local charity shop; he got into a good routine and was volunteering 2/3 days each week.

Sharon Smith, ACE Service Manager said “Ben has maintained his recovery whilst in the community and is now volunteering 5 days a week and taking part in a training course which will eventually lead him into employment.

We are really please with Ben’s hard work and commitment to his recovery from alcohol addition and the team maintains contact with him to offer support and guidance as and when he needs it…or we are just there to be a listening ear!”

If you would like to find out more about the wonderful work the ACE service does in the community click HERE

Note: Ben’s name has been changed to protect his identity and stock image used.


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