Caritas Care

Conference exploring adoption research and adoption support

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
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Conference exploring adoption research and adoption support

Our one day conference exploring adoption research and adoption support is being hosted by The Centre for Adoption Support in partnership with the University of Chester. ‘Navigating Adoption Support’ will take place on Thursday 28 March 10am to 3:45pm at the University of Chester.

Attendees will join academics, policy makers, social workers, head teachers & teachers, adopters, special guardians and adopted adults for presentations and interactive workshops Workshop topics include the policy context of adoption, sibling relationship research, supporting looked after children in education, child to parent violence and aggression as well the lived experiences of adopters. High profile speakers including Sir John Timpson, Sir Mark Hedley, Dr. Sadie King (who evaluated the national Adoption Support Fund), Alison Woodhead of Adoption UK and Dr. John Simmonds of CoramBAAF.

The Centre for Adoption Support is a unique support service supporting adoption and permanency. Anne Fleming, the Centre’s Service Manager commented:

In spite of the amazing achievements of families and children who are brought together by the adoption system in challenging circumstances, there is a real risk that children and families will have a poor experience if there is a lack of targeted support put in place at the right time.

It is not about professionals telling families what they need – children and families need to be empowered and equipped to tackle the challenges that they have identified and be actively supported and engaged in navigating their way through tough times”.

The University of Chester, the Centre and its parent agencies Adoption Matters & Caritas Care have brought together an amazing group of academics, practitioners and family representatives from around the UK to share ideas and generate new perspectives. The conference will address:

  • the rationale and importance of adoption – for children and families but also for our changing society
  • how the support system works (or doesn’t) and how it can be made more comprehensible and accessible to families and young people.
  • what support works best, how it can be provided and the best ways to make and maintain the link between families and service providers

The Centre for Adoption Support and the University of Chester – are committed to ensuring that this conference will make a difference to children and families and that it will be a springboard for genuine improvement.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Please note this is a ticket only event.

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