Caritas Care

Foster carers needed urgently…children in care still waiting for their fostering family.

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to live the best lives they can.

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Foster carers needed urgently…children in care still waiting for their fostering family.

We are in fearful and challenging times with the Coronavirus pandemic having a huge impact on all of our lives. Sadly, one effect the Coronavirus pandemic brings is children who are currently in care, subsequently, will have to wait longer wait for their fostering family.

These children are still patiently waiting…

They are still there and nothing has changed for them… except they are becoming more vulnerable. Children in care need foster parents and families who give to them kindness and compassion and make them feel valued. And more importantly, they have foster carers to protect them when they are scared…

Adapting to change during the Coronavirus…

Many children have accepted changes and restructure to their routines caused by the Coronavirus with a calmness that is extraordinary. However, for many children, any change is difficult because structure and stability is such an important part of their lives. This is especially true for children in care, and the longer they wait, the more vulnerable they will become.

1190 foster carers currently needed for children already in care…

The North West of England currently needs 1190 more foster carers to provide loving homes for children in care. These children are unable to live with their own families, and sadly, this figure is likely to rise further. There are currently not enough foster carers and loving homes to care for children already waiting. The urgency to recruit new foster carers has never been higher. Could you offer a safe and loving home to a child?

Rebecca Hughes, Fostering Services Manager said,

“In the North West we have the highest need for foster carers in the country. Now, as much as ever, we are calling for people to step forward and enquire about becoming a foster carer. Whether this is something you have considered for some time or have only recently thought about. Please do get in touch.”

The Coronavirus pandemic will not stop us from recruiting foster carers. It may change the way we have previously recruited but, we have made adaptions for this. If anything, it has made our resolve even stronger because we owe it to our children.

We would love to speak with you to answer any questions you have about fostering, please call us on 0800 652 6955 or click here


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