Fostering Process
25 years of delivering high quality fostering services across Lancashire
Call: 0800 652 6955
Our Steps to Fostering…
Requesting information
You’re already on Step 1. After an initial discussion, if appropriate, we will arrange to come and meet you to undertake an initial visit.

Completing an Application Form
After completion of the initial visit a decision will be made regarding us inviting you to make an application. We will support you to complete the form if required.

The Checks
There are a number of checks we need to do as part of the process:
- A DBS check. It is important that any criminal convictions or cautions are reported to us at the earliest opportunity, ideally at the first point of contact with us, as later disclosure could compromise your assessment.
- We will need three references from you, one of which can be a relative.
- A current reference from your employer and from any previous employers particularly where you’ve worked with children, young people or vulnerable adults.
- A reference from any volunteering you may have done, particularly that involved working with young people or vulnerable adults.
- We would need to contact any ex-partners and particularly ones with whom you have parented children. This isn’t to obtain a character reference but for us to make sure we are fulfilling our safeguarding duties. We will talk this through with you before contacting an ex-partner.
- We would need to contact any adult children you may have had and if you have any school-aged children we would need to speak with their school.
- We would also need a medical report from your doctor.

Training and preparation groups
We ask you to join us in group training and preparation sessions which provide the perfect opportunity to meet other potential and approved foster carers to learn more about becoming a foster family with Caritas Care.

Assessments and home visits
To inform your assessment your social worker will meet you on a regular basis to gather information. This information will be about your lives to date, your current circumstances and your expectations of becoming a fostering household.

Attending Panel
After your report is signed off by you and your social worker, you’ll be invited to attend the fostering panel who will have read your report. After meeting you and discussing the content of your report, they will make a recommendation about your suitability to become a foster carer. We’ll make sure we are with you on the day and tell you everything you need to know about the process.

Making a match
You’re nearly there. You’ve become an approved foster carer and now it’s all about finding the right placement for you and the children awaiting for fostering.
You’ll have every chance to discuss children’s profiles with us and we will support you in identifying a child/ren which will be the best possible match with you and your family.

Moving In
It’s here! But this isn’t the end of the story, it’s just the beginning. We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but we want to reassure you that we’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. You’ll never be left alone to deal with the process, and we’ll do everything we can to make sure you’ve got all the advice and guidance you need.