Caritas Care

Ian in training for Wigan 10K for our VIP’s

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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Ian in training for Wigan 10K for our VIP’s

Supporter and friend of Caritas Care Ian Newton will be competing in the Wigan 10k run on Sunday. 3rd September.

Ian’s motivation to put his running shoes on is the love of the work he has for services provided by Caritas Care’s Vision in People (VIP) project. He believes that the team truly do create chances, choices and opportunities for the people they work with and told us…

“Everytime I visit Caritas Care, it makes me feel happy when I see the people attending the day service with a smile on their face and genuinely having a good time. This is why I have chosen this particular service to raise money for.”

You can sponsor Ian and leave him a message here on his Just Giving page.

We hope the training goes well for you Ian and wish you all the best with your fundraising for Caritas Care. Thank you!

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