Caritas Care

It’s a marathon not a sprint for James…

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It’s a marathon not a sprint for James…

REACT Manager, James Hughes, will be competing in the Manchester Marathon on Sunday 10 October to help raise funds and awareness for the charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).

CALM run a free and confidential helpline and webchat available from 5pm to midnight every day, for anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. James wants to highlight that fact that the biggest killer of men under the age of 45 is from them taking their own lives and that having somewhere to go to talk to someone about their situation can help reduce the numbers of people ending their lives in this tragic way.

James is very open and honest about his reasons for taking on this challenge and it is very personal to him.

James said “I had a difficult year with separating from my wife in lockdown and felt I could not discuss my feelings with anyone. I was lucky, I had a car and drove to my parents where I was able to break down and get the support I needed.”

“I have good friends, but at that time was unable to tell them due to feelings of sadness and also the huge embarrassment of my marriage ending.”

“I found myself in a position where I support people with learning disabilities to speak up, but was not able to do this for myself and I needed to do something about that.”

James realised that many people aren’t as fortunate as he has been and wanted to help.  CALM provides this haven for people to speak about their problems and get the support they need to help them through a difficult period of their lives.

Everyone at Caritas Care is extremely proud of James for taking in this challenge for a campaign that means a lot to him.  We all wish him well with his rigorous training regime and have no doubts that he will nail it on the day!

Pictured: James in training.

If you want to make a donation to James’ campaign click HERE

To find out more about the work CALM does click HERE


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