Caritas Care

LGBT Week 6th March 2017

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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LGBT Week 6th March 2017

LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week 2017 takes place from 6th – 12th March and Caritas Care will be out and about raising awareness and asking for LGBT couples and individuals who feel they would be able to love, support and care for children who have had a difficult start in life to step forward and contact us.

Sibling groups, children with health issues, older children and children who may present behavioural difficulties are amongst the children who wait longer to be adopted and recent research has suggested that that LGBT people are more open to adopting children from these backgrounds.

In England in 2016, 1 in 10 adoptions were to same-sex couples and this is why Caritas Care are supporting this years LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week as organised by New Family Social.

If you are interested in adopting with Caritas Care, why not pop in for a chat at the New Family Social event on 9th March in Manchester.  Full details can be found here

Don’t worry if you can’t make it to this event, we are always around for a chat! Contact us on 0800 652 6955 or request a call back here

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