Caritas Care

Local Business Makes Generous Donation

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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Local Business Makes Generous Donation

We would like to thank local business Martin’s Funerals for their generous donation of £1,100 to our Learning Disability Services.  This will go towards helping us to further develop the services and activities we provide to people with learning disabilities, giving them more opportunities and a chance to gain new experiences to live the best lives they can.  For this we and the people accessing our services are very grateful.

Martin Layton, Learning Disability Service Manager said “Wendy and Martin have been long time supporters of Caritas Care and have made many donations over the years that have gone towards making a real difference to people with learning disabilities.  We really do appreciate their ongoing support.  Thank you.

Pictured left to right Martin & Wendy (Martin’s Funerals), Martin Heneghan & Martin Layton (Learning Disability Managers, Caritas Care)

To find out more about Caritas Care’s Learning Disability Services and how you can make a difference click here



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