Caritas Care

What COVID has meant to fostering…

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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What COVID has meant to fostering…

Coronavirus has impacted on all our lives, prompting us to re-evaluate and rethink our life plans and for some, to make career-changing decisions. For many people, life before COVID 19 was run at a frantic pace and our priorities with our homes, cars, careers etc usually meant we rarely had time to care for others…very rarely did we take time to care for ourselves.

Coronavirus has changed this. We didn’t see it coming and sadly for many people the effect of Coronavirus has been catastrophic. Many have suffered both personally and professionally, which has left us to reflect and question our priorities…’ What do I want to do when this is over, how do I make our lives better?’

Using our skills differently…

Many people who work in the care industry have the skills and experience to make a huge difference to the lives of people when they need it most. These skills are hugely recognised and appreciated, also the quality of skill combined with professionalism and innate kindness is humbling. We proudly stand at our doorways and lean out of windows to cheer for these amazing people, however, as a Mum of an NHS nurse on the frontline, I selfishly think ‘I wish she wasn’t out there in danger, I want her to be clapping here too’.

I am super proud of my daughter, but Coronavirus is bringing fear to me that no one is safe. Therefore, as a Mum, I have a mental battle with COVID 19 to keep his hands off her!

Looking at life from a different perspective…

Priorities have changed, families have become closer and outlooks on life has changed too. We appear to be viewing life through a slower and different perspective than before, and subsequently, families are becoming closer than ever because we are so far apart. The contact that we took for granted every day is now cherished through phone calls or video messages…especially contact with our children.

Many of us are feeling even more vulnerable with the hugs and cuddles that we naturally shared have now gone. This lack of human contact for many people is the cruellest act of Coronavirus.

Children lead the way with rainbows…

Children have accepted Coronavirus with calm acceptance. They understand the importance of painting pictures of rainbows because it makes people feel better. In a child’s world, making someone’s life better from something they have done, makes them feel better too. The world becomes nicer and life is a little less scary because they feel they belong. Our children are making a huge contribution to our daily life by simply being children. We are hearing the kindness of our children even louder now, because sadly, for many we have become the vulnerable ones.

Your skills in care to shape our future…#MakeLifeBetter

Sadly, many children in care are waiting for foster carers to give them a safe and loving home. These children need people with life skills and experience of how to prioritise and understand their needs. More importantly, they need people who have the time to make them feel safe and wanted.

As adults, we can rationalise separation and create a coping mechanism, children in care shouldn’t have to do this. They need the support of people with experience to guide them and make their lives better.

Skills and experiences learned in our professional lives are now transferring to our own everyday life, shaping our future together. Hopefully, these skills and experience will in the future reflect together on the care of all children in our communities.

Coronavirus made life different…#MakeLifeBetter

Changing direction in our life plan before Coronavirus would have been inconceivable. Coronavirus has made us realise that life can be different, maybe the future is going to be even better?

Take the first step to becoming a foster carer with Caritas Care…#MakeLifeBetter

If you have thought about a change in direction and have the skills, time and love to offer to a child when they need it most…contact us today and #MakeLifeBetter …click here 

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