What’s On…
Community Cafe
A Warm Space serving affordable food and drink from 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Disco Groove – Dance Fitness Class
A class to gently improve fitness through dance to music including Motown, Soul, Disco, Latin, Jazz and Pop. Come and join in for laughter, fitness, dancing and friendship. Every Monday 10.00am to 11.00am. No experience needed, just turn up.
Rainbows and Brownies (Term Time Only)
41st Preston (St Davids)Unit
Rainbows: 5.00pm – 6.00pm. Ages 4 – 7 years (must be in reception to start)
Brownies: 6 – 7.15pm. Ages 7 – 10 years
Interested in joining please contact the Unit Leader on 07515 461923
Community Cafe
A Warm Space serving affordable food and drink from 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Plungington Play and Stay Group
The play and stay group runs every Tuesday morning from 10.00 to 11.30am.
The session is for pre school children with their parent/carer/grandparent and is usually attended by 20 to 30 children each week. The group is supported by our team of volunteers and offers a safe space for all pre-school children to grow and learn. Sessions include messy play, stimulating and learning activities and seasonal events.
Chess Club – 12.00pm – 2.00pm (Free)
Available to people of all ages and abilities. Just drop in, you’ll be welcomed.
Health Qigong Five-Animal Frolics – 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Learn the Art of Health Preservation from Ancient China weekly Taichi & Health Qigong courses. Experienced and qualified instructor with insurance. Online options are available if you prefer to do the exercise in the comfort of your own home, enquiries by email: YuTaichi4You@gmail.com
Guitar Lessons – 12.30pm – 2.00pm
Available to people of all ages and abilities. Just drop in, you’ll be welcomed.
Preston Gamers Guild
Looking for board gaming? Come and join Preston’s Gamers Guild on Tuesday’s from 7pm.
First week is Free, there after its £3 a week (membership scheme available).
Join a friendly bunch of gamers with around 30 people a week. Games played include Teotihuacan, A Feast for Odin, Endless Winter, Brass Birmingham and more…
We provide hot drinks, snacks and a board game library too.
Community Cafe
A Warm Space serving affordable food and drink from 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Dance Syndrome
This dance group runs every Wednesday morning from 10.00 to 11.00am. Find out about this wonderful group in this interview 0n Steph’s Packed Lunch for World Down Syndrome Day. Click HERE
LemonDance CIC
A dance and wellbeing group aimed at improving wellbeing through discussions and movement exercise. Every Tuesday from 6.00pm – 8.00pm. Free admission.
Contact the centre for more details on 01772 827840 or email hello@lemondance.org
Community Cafe
A Warm Space serving affordable food and drink from 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Lancs Adult Learning
Every Thursday from 9.30am – 12.00pm
Ausome Parents
For parents of people with Autism. Drop in anytime from 10.00am to 2.00pm. (Term Time only)
Mindfulness Movement Class
Stretch your body and relax your mind every Thursday from 10.00 to 11.00am at our Mindfulness Movement Class. Includes seated exercise with yoga stretches, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation. Available for all fitness and ability levels. Contact Helen on 07823 842 654 for more information.
Hokumon Dojo
A martial arts club offering training in the art of Katana (Japanese Sword) This group runs every Thursday evening from 6.30pm – 8.30pm and welcomes anyone who wishes to learn and improve themselves. For more information visit their website HERE
Community Cafe
A Warm Space serving affordable food and drink from 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Age Concern Bowling
This group runs every Friday morning from 10.00am.
Health Qigong Daoyin 12 12:00-1:00pm
Learn the Art of Health Preservation from Ancient China weekly Taichi & Health Qigong courses. Experienced and qualified instructor with insurance. Online options are available if you prefer to do the exercise in the comfort of your own home, enquiries by email: YuTaichi4You@gmail.com
Plungington Food Club
Our Food Club is run by the Community Centre and delivered by our dedicated group of Volunteers.
We deliver approximately 30 food parcels every week to people in need around the Plungington Area and offers an invaluable service to residents in the local area.
The Food Club has operated throughout the pandemic and continues to deliver an excellent service. We work in partnership with Fair Share who supply the food weekly. This service runs every Friday afternoon year round. Please phone for availability first.
Slimming World Group
This group runs every Saturday morning – 8.30am & 10am.
Emmanuel Church Service